
In recent years, we have implemented numerous projects worldwide. Below are some examples:
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  • Cutting sorting system
  • Label/stickermachines
  • Pottenrobots
  • Potting machines
  • Sorting systems

Waterplantenkwekerij R. Moerings B.V.

Customer nameWaterplantenkwekerij R. Moerings B.V.ProjectPot in Tray RobotProject descriptionComplete pot in tray line: Recently, a complete pot-in-tray line was delivered [...]

Crea tech

Customer nameCrea TechProjectOrchid potting machine for garden herbsProject descriptionWillburg Projecten has been supplying potting machines for the orchid market since [...]

Van der Valk Patio

Customer nameVan der Valk ``Patio Plants``Project3D sorting line HelleborusProject description‘``Van der Valk Patio Plants`` plant sorting machine: We installed a [...]

Everde Growers

Customer nameEverde GrowersProjectEverde transfer systemProject description‘Everde Growers’ plant sorting system: In the USA, Willburg Machinebouw has created a two-layer transfer [...]

Son en Koot

Customer nameSon en KootProjectSon en Koot special UltrasonicProject description‘Son en Koot’ special Ultrasonic: Willburg Machinebouw has long been known for [...]

Van der Burg

Customer nameVan der BurgProjectCutting sorterProject description ``Van der Burg``cutting sorting: Willburg Machinebouw BV installed a cutting sorting machine for customer [...]

Inntal Pflanzen- & Logistikzentrum

Customer nameInntal Pflanzen- & LogistikzentrumProjectInntal transfer systemProject descriptionWillburg Machinebouw BV installed a transfer line for German customer Inntal in 2021. [...]

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